Monday, August 7, 2017

More Pictures From Guatemala

This morning we got up super early to be at the Guatemala airport and it was crazy there.  They recommended we be there more than two hours and it was a good thing we were.  Getting through customs can sometimes be a little taxing.  We flew to Atlanta this time.  On the way there we flew into Los Angeles and then to Guatemala City.  From Atlanta we flew straight to Las Vegas and arrived home around 8:30 that night.  What an amazing trip that we will never forget.  It's a good reminder of how blessed we are to live like we do.  Sometimes it's easy to look around and think our lives aren't as good as other peoples or that we wish we could have what they have, but we live in homes with running water, electricity, and gas.  We drive nice vehicles.  We have closets and drawers of clothing.  We see the doctor and dentist when needed.  We have shoes on our feet and many people don't in Guatemala.  We have hot water and lot's of them have never taken a hot shower.  We are able to be educated and have careers.  We just have so much to be thankful for.
I want my own tuk tuk.

This sink is called a piles and this is where they wash dishes and clothes.
They are on the outside of the house and then dishes and
clothing are left outside to dry.

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The Thompson's