Friday, October 10, 2008


I saw this on Cassie's blog and thought I would do it because I don't think about the things I am thankful for enough.

1) My Husband-Jayson is such a hard worker and he is so intelligent. He can fix and do anything. He is my best friend. We are high school sweethearts and have been together for 21 years. We have been through a lot together both good and bad, but through it all we have a strong love for one another and love to spend time together. I prefer to be with him than anyone else. I never seem to have enough time with him though.

2) My Kids-I have the BEST kids ever. Knock on wood, but they have caused me very little trouble and are pretty obedient. They all get along really well and love each other a lot. They have good friends and they cause me very little trouble. Even my teenagers haven't been too bad.

3) Living In St. George-I just LOVE living here. Everyday I am thankful to be here. I LOVE the wonderful weather, the palm trees, the red dirt and rocks, living so close to the temple, having great places to shop and eat, having great activities for my kids to be involved in, and most of all the wonderful people that live here. It is easy to have great friends. Right now St. George is still so green and beautiful.

4) My Wonderful Friends-All my friends from growing up until now. I have friends all over the place and I am so greatful for them and the experiences and times we have shared. Thanks to all you great friends! I love friends!

5) To Live In This Free Country-We are so blessed to live here even though times are tuff right now. We are so much better off than other countries and the way they have to live. Imagine living in fear for your life everyday. We are so blessed.

6) The Abundance That We Have As Americans-Even though times are tuff and not as abundant as they were and we have had MANY financial struggles this year because of the economy, I am so thankful to live in a beautiful home with beautiful things and be able to enjoy going to dinner once in a while and shopping when I need something and watching a movie when I feel like it. We live in a beautiful country and we are able to travel and come and go as we please.

7) My Job-Even though it is hard to work 50 hours a week and still come home to laundry, cleaning, yard work, homework, etc. etc., I am thankful to have a steady income and work at a place where they trust me to run the show and things are layed back. What a blessing to have a job during these hard times and a good one at that.

8) The Fall-This is my favorite season and it always has been. I especially enjoy it here because the weather feels so good after a HOT summer and it stays green until in November. The fall last much longer here than it did in Lovell. We even get to trick-or-treat in our capris pants without a winter parka covering our costumes.

10) My Parents-They love me no matter what I do and would do anything for me. For the way they raised me to be hardworking and responsible. My mom is a wonderful example to me of what a wife and a mother should be.

11) The Gospel In My Life-Knowing what I know brings me peace in these times of turmoil. I wouldn't have near the friends and feel like they are family down here with out being a church goer.

12) My Heavenly Father-For loving me and ALWAYS being there for me.

13) My Siblings-I have 4 brothers and 1 sister and I love them all a ton. They are all special to me in each their own way. I am so glad they are mine.

What are you thankful for today?

1 comment:

Cassie said...

All GREAT things to be thankful for! We all really do have so much to be thankful for!


The Thompson's