I am soooo excited for Thanksgiving this year. It is the first year since we moved to St. George that we will be having company for Thanksgiving. Jayson's parents are coming to join us. I am even excited about cooking the big meal. I usually make everything from scratch and it is about a day and 1/2 process, but my girls were a huge help last year and I'm sure they will be again. I am excited to have 2 days off of work. I had to fight for Friday off, but I talked them into closing up shop.
We are going to put up our outside Christmas decorations this weekend if I can con Jayson into hanging the lights. I used to do it in Lovell and tried the first year here, but I almost fell off the roof and the peaks are so high. Jayson hates it though and every year it is a fight to get him to do it and then he ends up grouchy and it ruins the day for both of us. Hopefully this year won't be so bad. I just can't understand why he doesn't get as excited about the Holidays as the kids and I do. I just LOVE them!
I'm ExCited!! Greg is the same way about the lights. We put them up the first Christmas in Vernal, and he hates heights so he refused to ever do it again. I would hire someone but I'm to cheep to do that. I'll just settle for my raindeer, and snowman. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving with the in-laws.
Everything from scratch huh? You are dedicated. I'm not near that good. I just go over to my in laws or parents and eat whatever they cooked ;)
I am excited for Thanksgiving too. I just hope it doesn't go by too fast. ;)
I am doing everything by myself for the first time. At least I don't have company to let down if I mess something up...which I'm sure I will.
Justin hates doing lights too. I always have to do them. I thought men were supposed to take pride in their houses' Christmas lights. Didn't they ever watch "Home Improvement" where Tim always had to have the best decorated house?
You needed to do it in Lovell in September before the snow though. Tell Jason to not be Scrooge and get it done. Brian's all ready did his job. Just the thought of turkey makes me happy!!
You are so lucky to have family coming. I am counting down the days until my mom and dad come. We will definately have to do something together when they get here.
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