Monday, December 8, 2008

Sharing our birthdays

Jayden had his birthday on November 29th and mine was on the 30th and since Jayson's parents were here we decided to celebrate them together. It is a tradition for us to pick a place to eat and go as a family. Since I love breakfast we went to the Cracker Barrel for breakfast and to Chuck-a-rama for Jayden for dinner. It was a fun day. We also went to the pet store and held the puppies and kitties.

Breakfast at Cracker Barrel

Jayden has 8 candles

I had enough candles to burn down the house

Jayden got some new scriptures and a new suit.

I got some more Christmas decorations. I love Christmas stuff and since my birthday is so close to Christmas I have gotten many things for Christmas on my birthday.


Jem said...

Happy Birthday, beautiful!

Teri said...

You look so cute in your hat! Looks like you guys had two wonderful birthdays.

-your tree is beautiful too.

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

Happy Birthday. I knew it was in November but not sure what day. I'm glad you had a great one. You look great!!

nina said...

Happy late birthday. It looks like a lot of fun!

KrIStiN said...

Happy birthday to both of you guys!! You guys always look like you have so much fun in everything you do!!

Anonymous said...

looks like a lot of fun! happy birthday to you both!!

Cassie said...

Happy late birthday! You look so young and hip!

Jill said...

Happy Late Birthday,to my very first friend way back in kindergarten. I opened my mailbox to find your Christmas letter. My daughter Katie just asked how have we kept in touch all these years. I said, Christmas cards. Your family is growing and they are all so cute! You look great! Funny you know Jay and Meagan Lott. They were in our ward before they moved to Washington. They are great. You will have to tell her you know me. Such a small world! Put my blog on your friends. I would love to keep in touch through blogging. I look forward to hearing from you.


The Thompson's