Friday, July 23, 2010

Memories with my Girls

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about the fact that my girls are growing up really fast and in just a few short years they will be off to college and starting their own lives. Teisha will be a Senior this year and Tianna a Sophomore, so I am trying to make memories and spend as much time with them as possible. It is so fun to have girls to shop, go to movies, lunch, etc. with. We just love to talk and laugh too! When Eclipse came out on June 30th I decided to take the girls. We usually wait a couple of week and let the hipe calm down, but they were pretty excited to go this time. We weren't able to get tickets for the midnight showing, so we got them for the 2:30 a.m. show. Even though I had to work that morning it was worth spending the time with my girls. We went to bed at 11 and got up at 1 so we could go get in line at 1:20. Luckily the line wasn't like the midnight line and it was only 92 degrees outside instead of 100. We got home about 4:45 and went back to bed until 8 when we had to get up for work. These memories are worth it all! Standing in line

The girls faking - like they would really fall asleep for Eclipse!


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness !! your girls will be gone be for you know it !! saige will be in 7th grade on a year ! its so hard because i dont want my children to grow up so fast but at times i do want a certain part of my life to go by fast or at least have it change for the better. you have such sweet girls !

Stacey said...

Enjoy them!! They are so pretty, just like their mom!!


The Thompson's