Saturday, February 22, 2014

Parade Of Homes 2014

St. George always has an amazing parade of homes.  The first few years the homes were so unreal with homes in the $4 and $5 million dollars.  Since the economy tanked in 2008-2010 they have come back to normal, but there are still some amazing homes.  We enjoy going and looking.  There are usually around 25 homes and it is a fun two weeks of checking out the ones we want to see.  One year we saw all but 2, but we had to go almost every evening after work to see one or two and all day on Saturday for two weeks.  This year we only went and saw about 6 and this was our favorite.  It was $750,000.
Sundays would be fun in this living room!

I love this backyard!  Pool parties!  Yeah!

Jayden is dreaming of this backyard!

I'm dreaming about this amazing kitchen!

Oh, the Sunday dinners and Holidays cooking
in here would be a dream come true!

The bath tub is always a big hit for me!
I love my morning baths!

Jayson checking out the shower!  As long
as there are two heads we are good! ;)


I love this full length mirror right in the closet!

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The Thompson's