Jayson called me yesterday and said he needed me to take some parts to Love Machine in Salt Lake for him. Several months ago I volunteered to take anything up he needed if he ever couldn't get there. He doesn't like me going alone, but I really don't mind and I'm perfectly capable. It is nice to have someone to talk to and give directions to me though. I've been to Love Machine lots of times with Jayson and know how to find it pretty well, but Jayson wanted Tianna to go with me. He loaded the back of his pickup and I got up early and picked Tianna up around 7 and we were off. We dropped the parts off and met Tianna's mother in-law and sister in-law and her little guy Lincoln for lunch at Zupas. We don't have a Zupas in St. George yet and we love eating there. We were able to visit with them for 2 hours and it just happened to be right by Nordstroms Rack so we went shopping too. Tianna loves IKEA, so we spent an hour walking around in there and then it was off to Lehi Roller Mill to get my favorite hot cereal Strawberry Germane and a quick stop at the Lehi Bakery for donuts, but they were out. We had to stop at Rowley's Red Barn for ice cream and then we headed home. We made it home about 6:15. It was fun to spend the day with my girl!
Tianna held Lincoln first and then I got to
hold him and snuggled him until he fell
asleep and I wouldn't give him back! I
need a grand baby! |
We love ice cream! |
Had to make a pot of strawberry germane this morning! |
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