Monday, February 10, 2020

Working At Hash House

I started working at Hash House A Go Go as a server on February 5th.  I have never really served like this before, so it has been quite a learning experience.  I was a waitress once when I was 15 for about 8 months, but this is way different because we didn't have computers and such a huge menu and it was in Lovell, so not super busy. We also have a huge alcohol menu that I know nothing about and trying to remember it all is hard.  It is such hard work being on your feet for 6 to 8 hours straight and carrying heavy plates.  I do love staying busy though and the exercise has been great.  I love meeting new people and have enjoyed the people I work with.  When tips are good its great, but when we aren't very busy and you go home with $30 it stinks.  They worked me 6 nights straight for training and I thought I was going to dye because my feet hurt so bad.  Once I got my training done I have been working about 5 nights a week.  Usually Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday.  Some nights I come home excited about my tips and having had a great night and there have been a few nights when not one thing has gone right and I come home miserable.  I did get to see a friend from Fountain Green, Utah that I haven't seen in about 7 years.  She recognized me first and it was so fun to visit with her.
My friend Tammy Nielsen.  She is my niece's sister in-law
and I loved her and her family from the minute I met them.

Celebrating a co-workers birthday at work.
I love the people I work with even though
I'm the oldest server there.

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