Monday, November 2, 2020

Crazy Times

 This year has really been a rough year over all.  I can't say that I've personally had it any worse than normal besides the fact that I just haven't felt like I can go many places because of Covid, but we typically don't go a lot anyway.  We are pretty much home bodies.  I have gotten to where I love to travel and would every few months if I could afford it, but since I can't I just look forward to a trip here and there.  I must say it has been hard to not go anywhere.  We did go to Wyoming in June and that was a nice break and I'm thankful we got to do that.  Now this fall, we are dealing with the coming election and since we are so divided as a country, it is different than any other election I have seen.  We have been having Trump Rallies here in St. George and Trump trains for a few months.  I see so many vehicles with Trump flags driving around and people are flying Trump flags in their yards.  I think it's kind of neat.  I had to take this picture and post it.  In front of my office window, I see this car a lot.  It's the craziest thing I've ever seen and it looks so top heavy that it will fall over.  He has 4 flags on top.  I just couldn't resist documenting this.

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