Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Big Surprise

Last week at my sisters last roll call the judge ordered her to remain incarcerated for another 4 weeks until her sentencing on March 16th.  Then she will either serve a few more months or get out.  Last night as I pulled into the driveway after picking the kids up from daycare a car pulled up out in front of our house and it was my sister.  I was in total shock and had no idea she was getting out.  The bail bondsman and his wife dropped her off.  She had posted half of her bail with her credit card and the other half with the help of her boyfriends mom.  She got the kids and drove to Idaho.  I was so sad and in shock.  It was a really hard day today.  I was just getting into the groove of having little ones and now I feel lost.  The last few months have been such an emotional roller coaster and it's one that I'm ready to get off of.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

WOW! I am sorry it happened so quickly as far as saying goodbye and them leaving. I can't imagine the emotional roller coaster you have been on. Thinking of you!


The Thompson's