Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Oh No, Not Lice

My sister texted me this morning and said a child in her daughters kindergarten class has lice, so they had to send all the kids to the nurse for head checks.  Four of the girls in the class had gotten it and one was my sister's little girl.  Poor Brinlee.  She only had one thank goodness and no eggs.  She had slept with my sister the night before so they all had to have head checks, but no one else had them.  My sister was so freaked out.  She was washing all the bedding and vacuuming and spraying and sanitizing toys. She even had all her kids with mayonnaise in their hair and caps on.  Then they had to rinse with vinegar.  The pictures she sent me with caps on were so cute, so I had to post them.  So far, the lice is gone.  I would be freaking out too and my head itches just thinking about it.
Before they had to get capped up.

Poor little Reece has no clue.

I don't think Coop is too thrilled .

He sure loves his sister.

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