Sunday, July 30, 2017

Guatemala - Humanitarian Trip

Tianna's best friend's dad served his LDS mission in Guatemala 25 years ago and he and another guy started a foundation called, The Guatemala Children's Project.  They go to Guatemala twice a year and spend a week at a time doing maintenance at an orphanage, school, and where they can find projects to help with.  Tianna was able to go 5 years ago and loved it, so I asked Jayson if we could go for our 25th wedding anniversary and take Jayden.  The guys weren't too thrilled at first, but it ended up being Jayson's favorite trip.

We left Saturday afternoon and drove to Las Vegas to catch our red eye flight.  We flew to Los Angeles and then to Guatemala City.  We arrived early in the morning and had about a 4 hour drive to get to where we were staying.  Luckily I let them know I have severe motion sickness and was able to ride in the front the whole trip.  It was great because I was able to see everything.  Nothing but switch backs on mountains and the roads were in really bad shape, so the poor people in the back of the van (usually Jayson was one) had a rough ride.
One of our first stops was to pick up our guide, Hugo.  This
is outside the street he lives down.  He was with us all week.

Hugo's house is behind this.

Lake Atitlan was beautiful.

Those are homes on the hillside.

Dallin flying the drone.

This was one of the nicest streets I saw.

I loved the little Tuk Tuks that drove around like
Taxi's.  They are around $8,000.  I want one to cruise
around St. George in.

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