Monday, December 25, 2017

Amazing Christmas Gift

Last year Jayson asked what I wanted for Christmas and I said money.  He bought several pieces of jewelry for me and put money in with each gift.  The money ended up being $5,000.  This year, I said money again and he said he couldn't out do last years gift.  He knows I love to travel and have many places I want to see.  He asked me if I could go anywhere, where would it be?  Since I love the beach,  ocean, and the sun I have always thought going to a beautiful island where they have ocean cabanas would be so romantic.  I told Jayson I want to go to Bora Bora, in the western part of the society islands of French Polynesia.  He has always been amazing at coming up with gifts and surprises for me.  On Saturday Jayson told me he he was going to make something for me for Christmas and that I would have to stay out of the kitchen.  He spent several hours drilling, pounding, and sanding.  He was also out in the garage painting and told me I couldn't look in the cupboards in the garage when he was finished.

Christmas morning I opened some rose gold sun glasses, bracelets, a shiny hat, and two gift cards and they all had little notes in them that said I would need them where we were going.  He had me go in the other room and come out.  He handed me a letter that was two sided with our picture faded in the background.  Jayson had typed a front and back letter to me about how much he loved me and some of our memories.  He told me I am the reason our family is so close and loving because I am that way and I keep relationships good.  He told me he is the man he is because of me.  It was the sweetest letter he has ever written me and it made me cry.  At the end of the letter it said to turn and look at the Christmas tree.  He had hand made me Christmas ornaments for the tree that spelled out Bora Bora.  He hung them down the sides of the tree.  He came up with the idea all on his own and went to Joan's to find the wooden letters.  He is super talented and creative and very artistic.  I was super impressed with how he used glitter glue and gold nails and gold hooks.

We are going to BORA BORA for spring break in March.  I'm so excited!
This is going to be me and we are staying in
a cabana like these.  

When I realized where we were going!

The letters on the tree.

What an amazing surprise!

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