Sunday, February 24, 2019

Cold, Snowy Week

Teisha and Ryan came down for dinner Sunday night and it was snowing.  It snowed the whole time they were here and since Teisha was coming down on Monday to go to the parade of homes, she just stayed the night.  Me, Teisha, and Sarah went to the parade of homes all day on President's Day and Teisha and I met Ryan at the Hurricane Walmart so that we could pick up Aria.  Aria had a dentist appointment on Tuesday and Ryan didn't want Teisha traveling back and forth on the snowy roads.  Teisha and Aria ended up staying all week until Friday, when Ryan came and got them.  We had a fun filled week.  We pretty much stayed indoors all week.  I baked sugar cookies and I let Aria paint them.  I love my time with my girls.
We have had 3 or 4 snow days this winter
and lots of rain.  It has been the coldest,
wettest winter since we have lived here.

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The Thompson's