Monday, October 19, 2015

Painting Pumpkins And Making Halloween Cookies

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night the kids stayed with us out at Jayson's parents.  We made a big bed on the living room floor and poor Teisha, Tianna, and Jayden had to sleep out there with them.  Saturday morning I went to the store and got all the things to make sugar cookies.  I got a bunch of different Halloween cookie cutters and some coloring books too.  While I mixed up cookies and cut them out the kids colored and then they painted the cookies and I frosted some.  After we made cookies we went down to my moms to paint pumpkins and then back out to Thompson's to have a BBQ and ride the 4 wheeler.  I got the kids all bathed up and we were all kind of sad that it was the last night with them.  We had such a good time just being with the kids.  I can't wait for grandkids!

Sienna is very artistic.  Look
at her cool ninja turtle pumpkin.

Feeding the goats with grandpa Thompson.

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The Thompson's