Monday, October 26, 2015

Weekend With Family

Jayson's oldest sister, Janna, was here all last week watching her son Brennan's kids while his wife was in Vegas with her friends.  Saturday night Jayson and I went to dinner with her and then out for ice cream.  It was nice visiting with her.  Sunday night Brennan's wife Cassie invited us all over for dinner at their house.  Teisha and Ryan weren't able to make it because they are babysitting this week for a family, but the rest of us went.  It is always fun to get together with family.  Dinner was delicious and their 3 little kids are so cute.  It's always fun to be around little ones.
Look at this little cutie!  She is
a doll with a spit fire personality!
This is Myla Ames.

Tianna and her beautiful Aunt Janna!

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The Thompson's