Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis syndrome is an uncommon neuromuscular disorder that is caused when the piriformis muscle compresses the sciatic nerve.  The piriformis muscle is a flat, band-like muscle located in the buttocks near the top of the hip joint.  This muscle is important in lower body movement because it stabilizes the hip joint and lifts and rotates the thigh away from the body.  This enables us to walk, shift our weight from one foot to another, and maintain balance.  It is also used in sports that involve lifting and rotating the thighs.  It's used in almost every motion of the hips and legs.

After 6 months of extreme pain in my hip, buttocks, legs, feet, and back pain,  I was diagnosed with piriformis syndrome.  I have had several massages, adjustments, acupuncture, and now injections into the hip, piriformis muscle, and shoulder.  I also have bursitis in my left hip and tendonitis in my left shoulder.  I guess you could say, I'm a mess and I'm only 44.  It's been really hard because I don't like to sit around and I love to exercise and I haven't been able to do anything in months.  I'm praying the injections will start helping so I can have my life back.  It has made me think a lot about life and about people that are disabled and how blessed we are to have strong, healthy bodies.
One of my treatments has been to sit in a hot tub.  I haven't minded that at all.

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