Thursday, August 22, 2019

Jayden Working Hard

Jayden has worked for Jayson after school for a couple of years and during the summer, but now that a he is graduated he is actually working hard and learning some mechanical skills this summer.  It has been a hard summer financially because Jayson's business has been super slow and he had to let go of all of his employees except Jayden and Tianna.  Jayden has really had to step it up to help get projects in the shop done.  I couldn't be more happy that he is learning to work and work hard.  I've always been a hard worker and was taught from a young age to work.  I have never been one to sit around and have always felt it's important to know the value of hard work.  Nothing comes easy in this life and nothing is free.  The younger you are when you learn to work the better off you are and of all of our children Jayden has had it the easiest since he is the youngest.  Jayson posted this picture of him working hard today.

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The Thompson's