Friday, March 1, 2019

Jayson's Surgery On His Esophagus

Jayson had to go in today and have his esophagus dilated because he has been having a hard time swallowing.  A few weeks ago I made him breakfast and he couldn't swallow his food.  He  chocked and threw up.  It was scary, so he went to the doctor and they said he had lot's of damage from acid reflux.  It was a quick out patient procedure.  I brought him home and we hung out all weekend watching movies and relaxing.  I love just hanging out with him.  I'm so glad he never gets tired of me and enjoys being with me.  I know a lot of men don't enjoy spending much time with their wives and they get annoyed by them.  Jayson has always loved to be with me and loves having lots of attention.
Jayson was so funny when he came to.
He was smiling and so happy!  His
favorite word was shit.  Ha Ha

1 comment:

Ariel Beale said...

I always enjoy reading your blogs...but this one had me laughing out loud at the end! Haha😂


The Thompson's